Monday, September 19, 2011

At the University and Aberdeen city

Since its sunny on my second day, me and my flatmate from Mauritius decided to have a walk to the Hub at the university. Its been an inspiring moment for me since I am really walking down the road I saw at Google Map. I mean I saw all this on the internet all this while and now I am really here.

The houses in Aberdeen are quite traditional and smaller than in Malaysian cities. There are lots of beautiful flowers and lots of spaces. This makes Aberdeen very peaceful.

I am so amazed when we enter the real university compound, all the buildings are so ancient and traditional and it does feel something that you cant explain by words.

at King's College Centre..the building with the small door at the left is the entrance to King's College Chapel.

It is really and ancient university.

After moving around for a while we decided to go to aberdeen city centre to buy some stuffs for my room. we took the first bus to the city and it costs 3 pounds for students for a whole day trip - quite a nice bargain if you choose to travel a lot throughout the day, and oh yeah its a double decker bus.

The City of Aberdeen is indeed a very peaceful and organised city. Not like in Keningau or Kota Kinabalu where I used to go. It's very clean and systematic. And as you can see from the picture, you can hardly see any modern design there. Its quite a different feeling to be here.

These are the UK coins and I think it is kind of amusing to see the 1 pence coin is very similar to 1 cent coins back in Malaysia.

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